Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pwning CISCO IOS Device

Pwning Cisco IOS Device

In today’s network infrastructure Cisco has just became another name for networking and Network related infrastructure. Every corporate company irrespective of size involves a network infrastructure comprising of Switches, routers, telephony and many more networking devices of Cisco Brand. Owing such a wide market requires additional security precautions to be taken by Network admins and cisco itself to prevent their devices from being hacked. Imagine what will happen if these devices started getting pwned and hacked leading to huge loss to company’s economy and data.  This article pertains to focusing over existing common vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS and its exploitation. However it is to be noted that author of this article is not responsible for any damage done by information through this article, it is solely for informational and educational purpose.

Vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS
)      HTTP Server implementation vulnerability:
The cisco devices have default web interface to access and manage the device  in the user friendly way. Cisco devices have various permission levels ranging from 0-15 , each permission level have specific privileges to execute commands. Level Zero access is minimal access level 15 is highest access level. The flaw exist in HTTP server implementation , when the router asks for password the attacker can cancel that request and re-send the  specially crafted request with higher permission level can obtain router’s configuration in the browser window. IOS version 11.3 to 12.2 are vulnerable with this kind of vulnerability .It is to be noted that that there exist two type of router configuration one is known as startup configuration and another is known as running configuration. To avoid such a vulnerability it is required to use Network level  Authentication like RADIUS and TACACS server.
      TFTP Server enabled vulnerability
A very common flaw in the configuration of routers exist here,  a authentication less TFTP server enabled over the Cisco device. Many Cisco device whether a router or switch stores its critical configuration file over this server. Such configuration files if made accessible to intruders can lead to  total compromise of network device . Exploiting this vulnerability is somewhat a piece of cake for evil geniuses. During the nmap scan of a particular device reveals the opened and filtered ports over the device . However if an attacker came across a device with port 69 accessible over the device and service fingerprint reveals the running TFTF server , an attacker can access this service and copy the router configuration file which is usually named as <hostname-config> . If the hostname of device is xyzcompany then router configuration file will have its name <xyzcompany-config>.
)      SNMP Vulnerabilities
SNMP known as Simple Network Management protocol is one of the most important protocols in area of networking. This is protocol used to manage the network device for ex, changing the configuration of device, managing downtime and all information related to managed device over network can be accessed by SNMP protocol. Being such a useful protocol it is also one of the most favorite and targeted protocols by computer hackers. Compromise of SNMP protocol can lead to compromise of entire device to the extent of getting root for that device and all the other devices communicating through it. SNMP protocol can be used to query a managed device , answer to those queries are made through management Information base (MIB) stored on the device. SNMP protocol uses community string basically known as Read and Write community strings to access this MIB information and make changes to it. To query individual aspect of device OID (Object Identifier) are introduced. It is list of dotted numerals  ( used to refer individual aspect of network device. 
Exploiting this snmp service depends totally on success of obtaining Read –Write community string for a device. From my experience its very common among the network admins to use default community string which is public for read and private for write access. However another approach involves brute forcing the community string using metasploit built is modules snmp_login.
When the community string is obtained an intruder can obtain blueprint of the device including crucial information like, type of devices, hardware used, storage, system information , network interfaces info ,routing info,  Processes running on that machine and very detailed list of every aspect of that device.
Attacker can also obtain information regarding Management information base containing snmp tree for that device.Utility used for this purpose is snmpwalk .Using those community string an attacker can also change the configuration of that device using utility like snmp-set.

    Denial of Service Vulnerabilities.
This is one major attack category which involves the attacker to send a large number of packets and overflow the cache and leave the device in a state where it cannot deliver its services. One such vulnerability exist in CDP protocol of Cisco device. CDP is commonly known as Cisco discovery protocol used by cisco devices to share its running configuration file with the neighboring  devices . The attack involves an attacker  to sent large packet frames and flood the device memory , thereby leaving the device in the state of inability to perform. Tool used to create such CDP packet is known as cdp . 

Therefore using any of above mentioned vulnerability any cisco IOS can be pwned. Cisco global exploiter is also one of the scripts wriiten by security professionals to crack IOS....i will leave this for u to google it ..learn more about it.  

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